Thursday, 31 July 2014

Today's assignments

  • Complete LRD activity for either page 3 or page 11. Your write up should be at least 50 words long. 
  • Synthesis WS 39 and 40.
All of the above are due tomorrow.

Tuesday, 29 July 2014

Gentle Reminders

  1. Synthesis WS 37 and 38 are due first thing tomorrow morning.
  2. Prelim Oral will be held tomorrow from 2.15 pm to 5.00 pm. I strongly encourage that you practise the various components - Reading, Picture Discussion and Conversation using the strategies that you have learnt and know. It is time to implement you knowledge!

Friday, 25 July 2014


If you have any well wishers for any of your Muslim friends and teachers, you may post them up below.

Weekend assignments due on Tuesday

  1. PSLE Booklet OE Comprehension 1 on pages 55 to 57. I would like to see you execute the QRAC strategy clearly. Remember to also use annotations, TGPS etc.
  2. Do a write up of at least 50 words for the conversation card shown below in your Spelling book.

Thursday, 24 July 2014

Compo Corrections

  • The compo corrections for "The unusual sound in the library" is due tomorrow.

Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Today's assignments

  1. Synthesis WS 35 and 36
  2. LRD Activity on 'Problems with Over-crowding' found in page 12. Your response, which should be written in your Spelling book, should be at least 50 words long. There should also be at least 3 problems in your response.

Monday, 21 July 2014

Reminder and Homework

  • Please be reminded that tomorrow is Rainbow Day: Racial Harmony Day. You are encouraged to wear your traditional outfit.
  • Synthesis WS 33 and 34 are due tomorrow.

Eco Music Challenge

Enjoy the creative songs being showcased by clicking on this link: Eco Music Challenge. If you want to go for it, check out the details provided on the webpage.

More of Kester's LEGO inventions

If you want to know about Kester's LEGO machines, click on this URL:
Leave your comments below.

Friday, 18 July 2014

Hyperbole assignment ...

What is a hyperbole?

Hyperbole is a figurative language technique where exaggeration is used to create a strong effect.  With hyperbole, the notion of the speaker is greatly exaggerated to emphasize the point.  The word “hyperbole” is actually composed of two root words: “hyper” which means “over,” and “bole” which means “to throw.”  So “hyperbole” translates roughly to “over throw” or “to throw over.”  True to it’s origins, hyperbole or language that is hyperbolic overstates a point or goes a bit too far. 

Your task this weekend is to write a short story (about 50 to 150 words long) in your Spelling book using these hyperboles (both of them) anywhere in your story:
  1. Jack was thirsty enough to drink a river dry.
  2. Jack is the fastest thing on two feet.

Thursday, 17 July 2014

Things to do ...

  1. Complete Synthesis WS 31 and 32
  2. Get your parents to endorse the Synthesis set (WS 23 to 30) and the English Practice Paper 1.
All due by tomorrow.

Kester's machine ... it's alive!

Type this link: to view it.

Post your comments about it below.

Wednesday, 16 July 2014

LRD assignment and Art reminders

  • Respond to the 2 prompts found on page 6 of this week's LRD. Write at least 50 words for each of them. This assignment is due tomorrow.
  • Please remember to bring a 2B pencil (the wooden type that needs sharpening), a sharpener and a soft eraser (preferably the kneadable type). If you do not have your sketch book with me, you need to bring it too.

Monday, 14 July 2014

Another Conversation Card ...

Do a write-up of at least 50 words for the conversation card shown below.

Friday, 11 July 2014

Things to do over the weekend ...

  1. Get your parents to sign the LC book and claim your points on Monday.
  2. Complete the Comprehension MCQ sections of your PSLE Booklet, pages 47 to 54. Show your annotations clearly before you attempt the questions.
  3. Do a write-up of at least 50 words for the conversation card shown below. You may choose to write about saving OR spending OR both.
All the above are due on Monday. 
Remember to keep fit and healthy.

Thursday, 10 July 2014

Some LJ pics

So sorry I have inadvertently forgotten to upload these earlier ...

Synthesis ... again?

WS 27 and 28 is due first thing in the morning.

Wednesday, 9 July 2014

Synthesis Answers and LRD

WS 25:

  1. Hashim worked day and night in order to pass his examination.
  2. Realizing his mistake, Chow Teck apologized profusely.
  3. Li Fen asked Barry why he had taken her money without permission.
  4. Everyone thinks this holiday tour is good value for money.
  5. My father does not mind how we spend the weekend so long as the family is together.
WS 26:
  1. The newspaper reported that more people are visiting Sentosa island now that private vehicles are allowed on the island.
  2. Although too much wine is bad for health, a little of it is good for the heart.
  3. My father reminded me to lock the door before I went to bed.
  4. We'd rather you not smoke but if you must, don't do it in front of the children.
  5. After he had checked his homework thoroughly, Suresh handed it up.
Your LRD assignment is the prompts in the activity box of page 3 about "Game over for World Cup street screenings". Each prompt requires a response of at least 50 words. Read the story first to get the main ideas behind the prompts. 
All of the above are due tomorrow.

Cyberwellness Workshop for Parents

I would like to encourage your parents to sign up for a parents' workshop on Cyberwellness. A flyer was given out regarding this workshop before the June holidays so this is just a gentle reminder for them. As the workshop is taking place this Saturday, get your parents who are interested to make their payments at the General Office latest by tomorrow Thursday, 10 July 2014.

The info on the workshop can be found in our school's Cyberwellness blog. The registration form is posted in my dropbox.

Tuesday, 8 July 2014

Homework for today ...

  1. PSLE Booklet: pages 25 and 26
  2. Synthesis WS 25 and 26
All of the above are due tomorrow.

Friday, 4 July 2014

Conversation Card and Kindness Challenge Sheet...

  • Write a 50-word (minimum) write-up for the following card in your Spelling Book and submit it on Tuesday.

  • Also, complete the "My Kindness Challenge to the Class" sheet by then.

Wednesday, 2 July 2014

LRD assignment

Using the Activity prompts on page 11, answer the questions in your Spelling book. For each prompt, you need to write a response of at least 50 words in length. This assignment is due tomorrow.

Tuesday, 1 July 2014

For tomorrow ...

  • Complete your Compo "Elephant" corrections
  • Complete Graphic Stimulus 2 to 5 of your PSLE booklet, pages 37 to 44
  • Bring your 'compo stuff' for your writing assignment