Cyberwellness Pledge Tasks

Pledge 1 - I pledge to have good manners online by being courteous, polite and respectful of others by creating a scrap book of acts of kindness performed around the world.

The scrap book can also be in a digital format created using Microsoft Word, Powerpoint or any image editing software which you have at their disposal. The objective is to encourage you to read widely and understand the importance of being kind online and offline. You may download some scrapbook templates at the following links: scrapbook.
Pledge 2 - I pledge to refrain from typing my messages in full capital letters with many exclamation marks by creating a short video clip introducing and explaining the meanings of positive internet acronyms.

You simply need to record themselves using a webcam which most laptops have integrated or you can use their mobile phones to do so too. You may view popular internet acronyms at the following: acronyms1, acronyms2 

Pledge 3 - I promise to remain bully-free. I will not bully and certainly won’t cyber bully, which I know is very mean to myself and others too. I will do my best to encourage people I know to not bully others, and will not participate in cyber bullying tactics. I will stand by my pledge by creating a bully-free poster/bookmark/bitstrip. (They can share it on Facebook, if they have an account.)

Posters and bookmarks can be either digital or hardcopy. Some examples can be found at: example1, example2, example3.

For bitstrips, you can go to the official site to create them. Those who have accounts can share it on their Facebook.

Pledge 4 - I agree to take a stand against cyber bullying, including sharing this pledge #BuddynotbullySG with others and asking them to take it too. I will do so by liking and sharing the e-tiquette page on my Facebook wall.

Once you have liked and shared the official Facebook page please take a screenshot of the shared page which will appear on your personal wall/timeline. Print it out and submit it to me.

Pledge 5 - I agree to support others being cyber bullied and report cyber bullying whenever I find it by writing a kind and encouraging note and sharing the cyber bullying hotlines with friends.

Notes can be in any format such as post-it pads, handwritten on coloured paper or even created using a computer and printed out. You  must include the cyber bullying hotlines that will be listed on their Facebook page.

Pledge 6 - I agree that cyber bullying should stop, and I want to do my best to create awareness of this campaign. I will stand by my pledge to design an Anti-Cyber bullying ribbon (i.e. Anti-drug Abuse/Breast Cancer Campaign).

You can download the anti-cyber bullying ribbon here, and it will also be made available for you on their Facebook page.


  1. Mr Kamsari what do you mean by kind and encouraging note? Can you give me an example?

    1. A 'kind' note would have some kind words written on it to help the person receiving the note feel at ease and calm especially after having gone through a cyberbullying episode. An 'encouraging ' note should include some motivational words for the person to get over the cyberbullying episode so that he/she will be able to get on with his/her life. This could also include your statement to support your friend.
      I hope that helps, Sven.

  2. How on earth do you share a pageee??????????You can only like and invite what

  3. I dont have any facebook the cyberbully hotlines on that page or is it on another page? I saw Kyle posting a comment that he was unable to find the hotlines...

  4. Mr Kamsari,
    For the scrapbook is it talking about cyberwellness or kindness?

    1. I think its about kindness, Stephanie. I just want to ask its around the world so we can choose one or more from any other countries?

    2. How many acts of kindness must we write?

  5. The cyberbullying hotlines are listed as the telephone numbers to the Cyberbullying Help Centres that can be found at the bottom of the facebook page.
