Sunday, 18 May 2014

Cyberwellness Pledge 2 Videos ...

... for your viewing pleasure.

Leave your comments below.


  1. Dear Mr Kamsari, thank you for showing us the video by two brave students, Jie Renault and Isaac Tan. I wish there are more students doing this video to stop Cyberbullying.
    Mavis Toh

  2. The graphics for Jie Ren's video was not good, so, I could see the acronyms clearly. I think that Jie Ren should have read out what he wrote out so we know acronyms and meanings. Just a suggestion. I know it is too late for changes.
    Yu Min

  3. The video posted by Isaac Tan could be improved by,he should speak slower so that it is clearer. Isaac cheng

  4. ok...... not so bad but the graphics of jie ren's video could be improved and he should at least talk

  5. Jie Ren's words are not clear and the video is too short, no time to make out what he wrote...

  6. Both are ok but Jie Ren should at least say a few words and let the video run for a longer time as it was hard to read all the words in such a short go.Also,Isaac Tan should speak a little slower...

    Qi Ying
