Tuesday 21 October 2014

Song Choices for Dance Performance

Here are the selected songs. Have a listen to them and we will select our final choices on Thursday. Enjoy!


  1. Actually I have three songs from here that FIT the graduation theme.

    1. Everything Is Awesome
    I know its very 'childish' and 'annoying' but just look at the lyrics. They are awesome! The fact that this was sung by BOTH men and women. That would be more awesome. Since it's from a movie... it has to be catchy... This song has been stuck in my head since I first watched the movie.

    By the way my sister (Afeefah 4C) is the one who picks the songs. :P I HAD to pick this. ~Sorry~

    2. Oath
    I don't know why I picked this. Maybe it has the catchy beat. My baby sister was also dancing.

    3. When Can I See You Again
    This song most likely fits the song for the graduation ceremony next to EIA. This too has a catchy beat.

    The fact that I picked two songs that are in the end credits of Wreck It Ralph and The Lego Movie. :D

    1. On second thought I think Oath and When Can I See You Again is better. My sis is going to kill me if she sees this. EIA might be too 'humiliating'. You see the quotations I'm making? It means it might not be as humiliating as it seems.

  2. (WAKE ME UP) AND (ROCK ME)!!! <-----------
    i like these two!! :3
    both their tunes are.......awsome!

  3. When can I see you again and Oath are the ones that i like.

  4. I prefer When Can I See You Again because I once heard the minecraft version of it and the one we heard in class and from that I totally got hooked on that song. Oh and I loved Oath too. It's really catchy. :)
