Monday 22 December 2014

May I know ...

the school that you are posted to? Leave your Name and School Posted To and Choice (1st, 2nd etc) for example (Kamsari Victoria School 1st) in the comment section below ... provided that you do not mind, of course.
Anyway, I would like to wish all of you the very best in your new school. Keep in touch, ok. You may email me anytime.
If you want to leave your well wishes for your 6A classmates, feel free to do so below too.


  1. Samuel Ahmad Ibrahim 1st choice

  2. Ameerah Ahmad Ibrahim 2nd choice
    To Samuel: See ya next year! :D

  3. jie ren catholic high, hao xing RI, zachary RI, eileen nus hs, Qin Xu nus hs, Qi ying nus hs, zi xin nanyang, Yi lin chij st nicholas, celest st magaret, lu qiong river valley,yu min SST

  4. I am currently in Yishun Sec. Super strict but it's ok. Good luck to my fellow friends from Endeavour

    1. Aiya, teacher say the top sec sch all strict strict a lot rules, fake lah NUS high very slack one de, we dont need hide under table in class use phone teacher dont mind n I see ppl nv tie up the hair also can. Moreever after morning assembly we dun even need to line up or proceed back to classroom class by class everyone just dispatch and dashed/sauntered to class without a teacher in sight except for the discipline master who actally seems quite pleased alr (he was the one who told us to "dispatch") 😂

  5. Wah lao who's that person who put all our sch

  6. Le Yi currently in Evergreen with Mavis and Stephanie

  7. Meera (You know, that lego fangirl)12 January 2015 at 21:47

    I am in Ahmad Ibrahim with Samuel and Yun Hui and a few others. The week-long orientation was awesome.
