Friday, 24 January 2014

Practice Paper, Synthesis Test and Spelling Corrections

  1. Do the CA1 2010 paper at home. Time yourself (1 hour and 50 minutes) and be true to the timing. The paper is due on Monday.
  2. Revise your Synthesis WS 6.1 and 6.2. You will be tested on what you have learnt in these worksheets on Monday.
  3. Complete all your Spelling corrections. Glad to see that the number of people getting full marks for Spelling is ever increasing. I believe that before long we will have a correction-free spelling task. Keep up the good work!

Keep fit and healthy during the weekend.


  1. Thanks for reminding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Mr Kamsari why the Edp website Every Child a Writer no need password and is still 2013 5A one and some people the compo dont have leh blank blank actually last year I go then the computer say type password
